This list of presentations and workshops from over the years provides a glimpse of the focus of Glebe Institute trainings.
Paré, D.A. (2016, December 19) The absent but implicit. Jewish Family Services, Ottawa.
Paré, D.A. (2016, August 29) Crafting questions for couples work. Jewish Family Services, Ottawa.
Paré, D.A. (2016, June 20) Options for working with couples. Jewish Family Services, Ottawa.
Paré, D.A. (June 1, 2016). Uncovering resistance through response-based questioning. Invited keynote presentation at Challenging #rapeculture in Courts Conference, University of Ottawa.
Paré, D.A. (May 8,9, 2015) Culture stories, competence, and collaborative practice. Invited talks, California State University, San Bernardino, CA.
Paré, D. A. (February 2, 2015). Performing local knowledge: Foregrounding the responsive self
through narrative conversations. One day workshop at the Hincks Dellcrest Institute, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A. (February 20, 2015) Mindfulness and therapy. Invited presentation, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A..
Paré, D. A. and Hibel, J. (2014, May). Acknowledgment and generativity in reflective group supervision. Invited half-day presentation, Therapeutic Conversations 11, Vancouver, B.C.
Paré, D. A. (2014, March) Rappresentare il rispetto: Integrare lo psicodramma e gli approcci narrativi nel lavoro con gli uomini che hanno commesso violenza/Performing respect: Integrating psychodrama and narrative practices in working with men who have abused. One day workshop, Florence, Italy.
Paré, D. A. (2013, November) Rich story development. One day workshop at the Hincks Dellcrest Institute, Toronto, ON.Paré, D. A. (2013, May). Maximizing the advantages of small group supervision. Presented at the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Annual Conference, Halifax, NS.
Paré, D. A. (2013, March.). Decentred influencing: Interrogating the collaborative and narrative therapies. Presented at the Conversationfest Conference, Galveston, TX.
Paré, D. A. (2013, February). To Carl Rogers, with fond regards: Interrogating our dominant models of counsellor and psychotherapy skills training. Presented at the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Inaugural Research Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Audet, C., Najmi, S., Callingham, C., and Paré, D. A. (2013, February). Cross-cultural Conversations: Forefronting Voices through Qualitative Exploration. Session chair/discussant at Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Inaugural Research Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, November). Rich story development. Full day workshop at the Hincks Dellcrest- Gail Appel Institute, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A., & Spector, N. (2010, November). Harnessing local knowledge in counsellor training and supervision. Presented at the Inaugural Canadian Counselling Psychology Conference, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A. (2010, October). The narrative worldview/le point de vue narrative. Full day workshop at the Centre de psychothérapie stratégique, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D.A. (2010, October). Reflecting team supervision. Presented at the Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., Spector, N., Baker, D., & Leger, M. (2010, October – 2011, March). Building on what works: Counsellor skills training. Ongoing professional development at the William Hay Centre, Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa, Community Counselling Service, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, October – 2011, April). Mindfulness for graduate students. Facilitated mindfulness training program for Education graduate students, Community Counselling Service, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, October). Beyond the blank screen: Ten habits of generative academic writing. Workshop for Education graduate students, Community Counselling Service, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, July). Mindfulness practice meets narrative therapy. Presented at the International Summer School of Narrative Practice, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, June). Exceptional possibilities: Multiplying client exceptions through narrative meaning-making. Webinar for Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.
Paré, D. A. (2010, June). Beyond “Have you tried?”: Adopting reflective supervision practices. Presented at the Catching the Winds of Change III Conference, Halifax, NS.
Paré, D. A. (2010, June). Mindful presence and narrative therapy. Presented at the Catching the Winds of Change III Conference, Halifax, NS.
Paré, D. A. (2010, May). Mindfulness mediation, presence, and narrative therapy. Presented at the Therapeutic Conversations 9, Vancouver, BC.
Paré, D. A., and Elliott, B. (2010, May). Creating practitioner reflective communities. Presented at the Therapeutic Conversations 9, Vancouver, BC.
Paré, D. A. (2010, February). Thickening up the solution-focused therapy soup. Half-day workshop for graduate students at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
Paré, D. A., Leger, M., & Titley, F. (2009, October). Using reflecting processes in supervision. Workshop at Sandy Hill Community Health Centre, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2009, October). The narrative worldview/ le perspective narrative. Full-day workshop at the Centre de psychothérapie stratégique, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A. (2009, June). Reflective practice. Presented at the Reflective Practice with a Collaborative Ethic community gathering, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., Novy, C., & Titley, F. (2009, June). Narrative therapy and reflecting processes. Workshop at the Sandy Hill Community Health Centre, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2009, May). Developing Reflective Counsellor Communities. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Paré, D. A. (2009, May). Exceptional stories: Expanding brief solution focused work with narrative ideas & practices. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Paré, D. A., Leger, M., & Titley, F. (2009, March). Reflecting team supervision. Full-day workshop for community based counsellors, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2009, February). Deconstructing stories. Full-day workshop at the Centre de psychothérapie stratégique, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A. (2009, February). And who else are you? Maintaining curiousity and wonder in cross cultural encounters. Presented at the Ottawa Joint PD Council conference: The Circle of Strength, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2009, January). Developing reflective communities. “Topic Sharing Teleconference Call” for TAOS Institute.
Paré, D. A. (2008, October). Developing reflective communities among community counsellors. Presented at the University of Ottawa Symposium on Counsellor Supervision Research, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2008, October). Expanding exceptions with narrative ideas and practices. Full-day workshop at the Hincks-Dellcrest Institute, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2008, October). The narrative worldview/ le perspective narrative. Full-day workshop at the Centre de psychothérapie stratégique, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A. (2008, June) Exploring collaborative possibilities. Presentation for community based counsellors and counselling agency managers, Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2008, June). Facilitating practitioner knowledge exchange through collaborative practice groups. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Asian Psychological Association, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Paré, D. A. (2008, June). Exploring inner dialogue among graduate counsellors in training. Presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Sheppard, G., Shields, D., Paterson, D., Cane, D., Donihee, P., Paré, D. A., Turcotte, M., Siddiqui, N., and MacDonald, M. (2008, May). A Cross country check-up of the statutory regulation of counselling in Canada: Will we have a pan-Canadian regulatory model? Presentation at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Moncton, NB.
Paré, D. A. (2008, May). Learning Sideways: Promoting lateral knowledge exchange among counselling students using video technology on Blackboard Vista. Presented at the Symposium on Teaching and Technology, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2008, March). Narrative therapy and eating disorders. Presentated at the Hopewell Eating Disorders Clinic, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2007, November). Beyond Brief: Expanding exceptions with narrative ideas and practices. Full day workshop at the Hincks-Dellcrest Institute, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A. (October, 2007). The state of counselling in Canada. Presented at the Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors Bi-Annual conference, Columbus, OH.
Paré, D. A., & Audet, C. (2007, October). The collaborative counselling and supervision website: Using video e-learning to enrich counselor training. Presented at the Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors Bi-Annual conference, Columbus, OH.
Paré, D. A. (2007, August). An introduction to multicultural counselling competence. Presented at the Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2007, June). Yours, mine, and ours; Dialogue and reflexivity in counselling research. Presented at the Canadian Psychologists Association annual conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2007, May). Exploring inner dialogue in counsellor education. Presented at the Counsellor Educators Chapter, Canadian Counselling Association annual conference, Vancouver, BC.
Sheppard, G., Abbey, B., Donnihee, P., Paterson, D., Paré, D. A., Saddiqui, N., & Turcotte, M. (2007, May). The statutory regulation of counselling in Canada: A national update. Panel discussion at Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Tarragona, M. & Paré, D. A. (2007, January). Reflecting processes in therapist supervision and training. Presented at the Encountering the Spirit of Community in Narrative therapy and in Cuban Social Programs, Havana, Cuba..
Gazzola, N., DeStephano, J., Paré, D. A., Smith, D., & Theriault, A. (2006, April). Critical issues in counsellor education and supervision. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association/American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A., Robinson, T., & Winslade, J. (2006, April). Symposium on culture and discourse in counseling. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association/American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A., Baker, D., Leger, M., Novy, C., & Titley, F. (2006, April). The heart of the story: An introduction to narrative practice. Workshop for community based practitioners, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., & the Collaborative Community Practice Group. (2006, April). Working together: Exploring collaborative practice. Workshop for community based practitioners, Ottawa, ON.
Paré. D. A. (2006, March). Beyond brief: Enhancing your practice with narrative ideas. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association/American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A., and Lysack, M. (2005, December). Practices of Acknowledgement: Consolidating Positive Developments in Clients’ Lives. Presented at the Child and Youth Wellness Centre, Brockville, ON.
Paré, D. A., and Lysack, M. (2005, November). Assessing for competence: Evaluating clients’ resources in the face of challenging circumstances. Presented at the Child and Youth Wellness Centre, Brockville, ON.
Paré, D. A., and Lysack, M. (2005, October). Bringing forth client skills and knowledges through therapeutic positioning. Presented at the Child and Youth Wellness Centre, Brockville, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2005, October). Minding the talk: Attending to inner dialogue in therapist training. Presented at Social Construction: A Celebration of Collaborative Practices, Taos, NM.
Paré, D. A., Augusta-Scott, T., Freedman, J., & Young, K. (2005, June). Unpacking the healing metaphor. Panel discussion at the Winds of Change Conference, Halifax, NS.
Paré, D. A. (2005, February). Mindfulness applications to therapy. Presented at the Narrative Participant’s Conference, Malibu, CA.
Paré, D. A. (2005, February). Doing the dance: Collaborative dialogue and discourse. Workshop for Miracle Mile Community Practice, Los Angeles, CA.
Paré, D. A., and Lysack, M. (2005, February). Brief therapy and beyond. Half-day inservice professional development workshop for community-based practitioners, Ottawa, Ontario.
Paré, D. A. (2004, December). The other side of victimization: Working with client resourcefulness in the wake of abuse. Presented at Shifting the paradigm: Creating a Multicultural Framework for Services to Abused Immigrant Women, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., & Smith, J. D. (2004, November). Restorative Practices in the Classroom. Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Provincial Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Theriault, A., and Paré, D. A. (2004, September). Cultivating feelings of competence in counsellor trainees. Inservice workshop, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa.
Bondy, J., Malhotra, C., & Paré, D.A. (2004, July). A Performative Approach to Group Work with Men who have Abused. Presented at the 6th Annual Narrative Therapy and Community Work Conference, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Paré, D. A., Lysack, M., Lafleur, R., & Avocaat, L. (2004, May). Subversive dialogue: Narrative and feminist practices, intersections and divergences. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. (2004, April). Introduction to reflecting teams. Half-day inservice professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A., Lysack, M. & Baker, D. (2004, March). Invitations to responsibility: Working with men and male youth with violent lifestyles. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2004, February). Introduction to brief solution-oriented therapy. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Smith, J. D. & Paré, D. A. (2003, October). Restorative practices in the schools. Presented at Educating for Peace and Global Awareness: Conversations and Curriculum, Ottawa, ON.
Conran, T., McNamee, S., Newman, F., Paré, D. A., & Shawver, L. (2003, October). Panel discussion: What's Therapeutic about Philosophy and What's Philosophical about Therapy. Presented at The Second International Conference Exploring the Potential of Performance for Personal, Organizational and Social-Cultural Change, Montauk, NY.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2003, May). Solution narratives: Brief therapy intensive. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. (2003, April). Handle with care: Discourse, Difference, and Dialogue. Presented at the Transforming Dialogue Conference, Houston, Texas.
Paré, D. A. (2003, April). Com-passionate Conversations: Creating Culture in Therapeutic Dialogue. Presented at the Transforming Dialogue Conference, Houston, TX.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2003, March). Introduction to brief, solution-focused therapy. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Titley, F., Lamoureux, S. & Paré, D. A. (2003, February). Stories from a Storied Mediation: Narrative Practices in Conflict Resolution. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Symposium on Conflict Resolution, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, November). Skills in externalizing conversations, Part II. Half-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, November). Skills in externalizing conversations, Part I. Half-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. (2002, October). Courageous practice: Reflexive supervision. Presentation to faculty, graduate students and community partners. Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, October). Introduction to reflecting practices. Half-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, September). Introduction to narrative and collaborative therapies. One-day professional development workshop for community practitioners.
Smith, J. D., Paré, D. A., & Gignac, K. (2002, May). Helping at-risk youth in schools: Lessons and findings from Project Eclipse. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., & Strong, T. (2002, May). Teaching and Learning Social Constructionist Counselling. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2002, May). The use of therapeutic letters in counselling. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Uhlemann, M., & Paré, D. A. (2002, May). Writing for the Canadian Journal of Counselling. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2002, May). Using reflecting processes in group supervision. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Smith, J. D., Paré, D. A., & Gravelle, F. (2002, April). Alternatives to school suspension: An intervention for at-risk students. Paper presented at the American Educational Researchers Association annual conference, New Orleans, LA.
Paré, D. A. (2002, February). United Against the Foe: Externalizing Relational Dynamics in Conflict Resolution. Presented at the Conflict Resolution Symposium, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, February). Skills in re-authoring conversations. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. (2002, February). Co-constructing preferred identities: A collaborative, narrative approach. Workshop presentation at Family Service Centre, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2002, February). Families and cultures: Shifting paradigms of family therapy, expanding the metaphorical repertoire of family therapy. Presented to the Youth Services Bureau Externship in Collaborative Therapies, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2002, January). Cultural considerations in ethical counselling. Presented to counselling students in Graduate Class, St. Paul’s University, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A.and Lysack, M. (2000, November). Co-vision: Collaborative supervision practices. Presentated to the Educational Counselling supervisors, local clinicians, and Education Faculty. Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2001, November). Beyond humanism: Narrative ideas and practices in counselling. Presented to the Canadian Counselling Association, National Capital Region Chapter, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2001, October). Co-defining problems and goals. Presented to the Youth Services Bureau Externship in Collaborative Therapies, Ottawa, ON.
Lysack, M. and Paré, D. A. (2001, March). Recent developments in working with alcohol and substance misuse. Presented at the David Smith Centre, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2001, February). Evolving metaphors of family therapy. Presented at the Ottawa Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2001, January). Of families and other cultures. Presented to the Systemic Therapies Graduate Class, St. Paul’s University, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2000, November). Introduction to narrative practice. Presented to the Career and Counselling Service, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2000, May). Authoring a life: Narrative counselling practices. Presented at the Building Tomorrow Today: 6th Annual Alberta Regional Consultation for Career Development Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (2000, May). Storying Positive Developments Through Time. Presented at the Building Tomorrow Today: Annual Consultation on Career Development, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (2000, May). Using reflecting teams in counsellor supervision. Presented at the PAA 2000 Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A., & Strong, T. (2000, May). Macro and Micro Views of Cultural Discourse in Counsellor Education. Presented at the 2000 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D.A. (2000, May). A Place to Stand: Eclecticism, Integration, and Theoretical Purity in Counsell or Education. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Charlottetown, PE.
Bernes, K. Collins, S., Hiebert, B., Jones, L., Magnusson, K., Paré, D. A., & Stewin, L. (2000, May). Innovations in Counsellor Training. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Charlottetown, PE.
Paré, D. A. (2000, April). A brief look at a storied therapy. Presented at the Counselling and Student Development Centre, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Paré, D. A. (2000, March). Narrative therapy: An introduction. Presented to the Community Services Centre, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1999, June). Staying answerable: Ethics and accountability in postmodern counselling. Presented at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Paré, D. A. (1999, June). Conflicting discourses. Presented at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Paré D. A. (1999, May). Discursive Wisdom: Reflections on Ethics and Therapeutic Knowledge. Presented at the Millennium World Conference in Critical Psychology, Sydney, Australia.
Paré, D. A. (1999, April). Conflicting Discourses: Developing Postmodern Counselling Practice. Presented at the International Society for Theoretical Psychology Annual Conference, Manly, Australia.
Paré, D. A. (1998, November). Accountability Practices: Tracking the effects of our work. Presented to the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Paré, D. A. (1998, July). Postmodernism and narrative ways of knowing: Challenges for education and the helping professions. Presented to the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Paré, D. A. (1998, July). Social constructionist perspectives on the healing process: The practice of narrative therapy. Presented to the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Paré, D. A. (1998, July). Narrative work with the elderly. Workshop for Elderly Services Program of the Northern Health Authority, Prince George, BC.
Paré, D. A. (1998, June). Re-Positioning relationships: The heart of postmodern practice. Presented at the Canadian Psychologists Association Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1998, June). Re-Positioning relationships: The heart of postmodern practice. Presented at the Canadian Guidance Counselling Association Annual Conference, Montreal, PQ.
Paré, D. A. (1998, May). Re-authoring lives: The literary turn in postmodern psychology. Presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (1998, May). Narrative unplugged: An introduction to narrative practice. One-day workshop at Woods Homes, Red Deer, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1998, March). Narrative therapy level II intensive. Five-day clinical workshop, Prince George, BC.
Dreimanis, M., & Paré, D. A. (1998, February). Avoiding power struggles before they start. Presented at the Teacher Assistant Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1998, February). Teaming up against inattention and hyperactivity. Evening workshop, St. Albert, Alberta.
Paré, D. A. (1998, January). Fundamentals of narrative practice. Two-day clinical workshop, Prince George, BC.Paré, D. A. (1997, November). Shared knowledges: Postmodern supervision. Presented to Loma Linda University, Lacombe, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, November). Of families and other cultures; The shifting paradigm of family therapy. Presented to the Child and Adolescents Services Association, CASA Centre, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, November). Whose problem is it anyway: An introduction to narrative practice. Presented at the Grand Rounds Presentation at Glenrose Hospital, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, September). Whose problem is it anyway: A narrative path to collaboration. Presented to the Alberta Association of Family-School Liaison Workers, Edmonton, AB.
Sawatzky, D. & Paré, D. A. (1997, May). Advanced clinical techniques and tips: Variations on narrative therapy. Workshop presentation for Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, Edmonton, AB.
Dreimanis, M., & Paré, D. A. (1997, May). Avoiding power struggles in your centre. Presented at the Child Care Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, March). Narrative Depth: Dialoguing with Problems. Paper presented at the Narrative Ideas and Therapeutic Practice Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Dreimanis, M., & Paré, D. A. (1997, February). Avoiding power struggles in the classroom. Presented at the Teacher Assistant Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, February). Family well being. Presented at the Fifth Annual Conference, "Get Ready For Inclusion Today" (GRIT) Program, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, January). What if? Counselling from a narrative perspective. Presented at the Municipal District of Sturgeon Family School Liaison program, St. Albert, AB.
Paré, D. A., and Tavano, N. (1996, June) Mining For intent: Bringing forward values with sexual abuse perpetrators and victims in a family context. Paper presented at the Therapeutic Conversations 3 Conference, Denver, CO.
Paré, D. A., and Chang, J. (1995, October). Mixed metaphors: Working with the new and not-so-new therapies. Presented at the Alberta Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Annual Conference, Calgary, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1995, March). A cultural perspective on families and family therapy. Paper presented at the Narrative Ideas and Therapeutic Practice Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Paré, D. A. (1994, March/April). Of families and other cultures: Updating the metaphors of family therapy. Paper presented at the Narrative Ideas and Therapeutic Practice Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Paré, D. A. (1994, June/July). From feedback loops to family stories: Changing perspectives in family therapy. Paper presented at The 55th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Penticton, BC.
Paré, D. A. (1994, January). Please adjust your set: Looking at families through a postmodern lens. Paper presented at The Research Experience Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D.A. (2016, December 19) The absent but implicit. Jewish Family Services, Ottawa.
Paré, D.A. (2016, August 29) Crafting questions for couples work. Jewish Family Services, Ottawa.
Paré, D.A. (2016, June 20) Options for working with couples. Jewish Family Services, Ottawa.
Paré, D.A. (June 1, 2016). Uncovering resistance through response-based questioning. Invited keynote presentation at Challenging #rapeculture in Courts Conference, University of Ottawa.
Paré, D.A. (May 8,9, 2015) Culture stories, competence, and collaborative practice. Invited talks, California State University, San Bernardino, CA.
Paré, D. A. (February 2, 2015). Performing local knowledge: Foregrounding the responsive self
through narrative conversations. One day workshop at the Hincks Dellcrest Institute, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A. (February 20, 2015) Mindfulness and therapy. Invited presentation, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A..
Paré, D. A. and Hibel, J. (2014, May). Acknowledgment and generativity in reflective group supervision. Invited half-day presentation, Therapeutic Conversations 11, Vancouver, B.C.
Paré, D. A. (2014, March) Rappresentare il rispetto: Integrare lo psicodramma e gli approcci narrativi nel lavoro con gli uomini che hanno commesso violenza/Performing respect: Integrating psychodrama and narrative practices in working with men who have abused. One day workshop, Florence, Italy.
Paré, D. A. (2013, November) Rich story development. One day workshop at the Hincks Dellcrest Institute, Toronto, ON.Paré, D. A. (2013, May). Maximizing the advantages of small group supervision. Presented at the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Annual Conference, Halifax, NS.
Paré, D. A. (2013, March.). Decentred influencing: Interrogating the collaborative and narrative therapies. Presented at the Conversationfest Conference, Galveston, TX.
Paré, D. A. (2013, February). To Carl Rogers, with fond regards: Interrogating our dominant models of counsellor and psychotherapy skills training. Presented at the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Inaugural Research Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Audet, C., Najmi, S., Callingham, C., and Paré, D. A. (2013, February). Cross-cultural Conversations: Forefronting Voices through Qualitative Exploration. Session chair/discussant at Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Inaugural Research Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, November). Rich story development. Full day workshop at the Hincks Dellcrest- Gail Appel Institute, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A., & Spector, N. (2010, November). Harnessing local knowledge in counsellor training and supervision. Presented at the Inaugural Canadian Counselling Psychology Conference, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A. (2010, October). The narrative worldview/le point de vue narrative. Full day workshop at the Centre de psychothérapie stratégique, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D.A. (2010, October). Reflecting team supervision. Presented at the Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., Spector, N., Baker, D., & Leger, M. (2010, October – 2011, March). Building on what works: Counsellor skills training. Ongoing professional development at the William Hay Centre, Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa, Community Counselling Service, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, October – 2011, April). Mindfulness for graduate students. Facilitated mindfulness training program for Education graduate students, Community Counselling Service, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, October). Beyond the blank screen: Ten habits of generative academic writing. Workshop for Education graduate students, Community Counselling Service, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, July). Mindfulness practice meets narrative therapy. Presented at the International Summer School of Narrative Practice, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2010, June). Exceptional possibilities: Multiplying client exceptions through narrative meaning-making. Webinar for Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.
Paré, D. A. (2010, June). Beyond “Have you tried?”: Adopting reflective supervision practices. Presented at the Catching the Winds of Change III Conference, Halifax, NS.
Paré, D. A. (2010, June). Mindful presence and narrative therapy. Presented at the Catching the Winds of Change III Conference, Halifax, NS.
Paré, D. A. (2010, May). Mindfulness mediation, presence, and narrative therapy. Presented at the Therapeutic Conversations 9, Vancouver, BC.
Paré, D. A., and Elliott, B. (2010, May). Creating practitioner reflective communities. Presented at the Therapeutic Conversations 9, Vancouver, BC.
Paré, D. A. (2010, February). Thickening up the solution-focused therapy soup. Half-day workshop for graduate students at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
Paré, D. A., Leger, M., & Titley, F. (2009, October). Using reflecting processes in supervision. Workshop at Sandy Hill Community Health Centre, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2009, October). The narrative worldview/ le perspective narrative. Full-day workshop at the Centre de psychothérapie stratégique, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A. (2009, June). Reflective practice. Presented at the Reflective Practice with a Collaborative Ethic community gathering, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., Novy, C., & Titley, F. (2009, June). Narrative therapy and reflecting processes. Workshop at the Sandy Hill Community Health Centre, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2009, May). Developing Reflective Counsellor Communities. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Paré, D. A. (2009, May). Exceptional stories: Expanding brief solution focused work with narrative ideas & practices. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Paré, D. A., Leger, M., & Titley, F. (2009, March). Reflecting team supervision. Full-day workshop for community based counsellors, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2009, February). Deconstructing stories. Full-day workshop at the Centre de psychothérapie stratégique, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A. (2009, February). And who else are you? Maintaining curiousity and wonder in cross cultural encounters. Presented at the Ottawa Joint PD Council conference: The Circle of Strength, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2009, January). Developing reflective communities. “Topic Sharing Teleconference Call” for TAOS Institute.
Paré, D. A. (2008, October). Developing reflective communities among community counsellors. Presented at the University of Ottawa Symposium on Counsellor Supervision Research, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2008, October). Expanding exceptions with narrative ideas and practices. Full-day workshop at the Hincks-Dellcrest Institute, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2008, October). The narrative worldview/ le perspective narrative. Full-day workshop at the Centre de psychothérapie stratégique, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A. (2008, June) Exploring collaborative possibilities. Presentation for community based counsellors and counselling agency managers, Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2008, June). Facilitating practitioner knowledge exchange through collaborative practice groups. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Asian Psychological Association, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Paré, D. A. (2008, June). Exploring inner dialogue among graduate counsellors in training. Presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Sheppard, G., Shields, D., Paterson, D., Cane, D., Donihee, P., Paré, D. A., Turcotte, M., Siddiqui, N., and MacDonald, M. (2008, May). A Cross country check-up of the statutory regulation of counselling in Canada: Will we have a pan-Canadian regulatory model? Presentation at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Moncton, NB.
Paré, D. A. (2008, May). Learning Sideways: Promoting lateral knowledge exchange among counselling students using video technology on Blackboard Vista. Presented at the Symposium on Teaching and Technology, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2008, March). Narrative therapy and eating disorders. Presentated at the Hopewell Eating Disorders Clinic, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2007, November). Beyond Brief: Expanding exceptions with narrative ideas and practices. Full day workshop at the Hincks-Dellcrest Institute, Toronto, ON.
Paré, D. A. (October, 2007). The state of counselling in Canada. Presented at the Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors Bi-Annual conference, Columbus, OH.
Paré, D. A., & Audet, C. (2007, October). The collaborative counselling and supervision website: Using video e-learning to enrich counselor training. Presented at the Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors Bi-Annual conference, Columbus, OH.
Paré, D. A. (2007, August). An introduction to multicultural counselling competence. Presented at the Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2007, June). Yours, mine, and ours; Dialogue and reflexivity in counselling research. Presented at the Canadian Psychologists Association annual conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2007, May). Exploring inner dialogue in counsellor education. Presented at the Counsellor Educators Chapter, Canadian Counselling Association annual conference, Vancouver, BC.
Sheppard, G., Abbey, B., Donnihee, P., Paterson, D., Paré, D. A., Saddiqui, N., & Turcotte, M. (2007, May). The statutory regulation of counselling in Canada: A national update. Panel discussion at Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Tarragona, M. & Paré, D. A. (2007, January). Reflecting processes in therapist supervision and training. Presented at the Encountering the Spirit of Community in Narrative therapy and in Cuban Social Programs, Havana, Cuba..
Gazzola, N., DeStephano, J., Paré, D. A., Smith, D., & Theriault, A. (2006, April). Critical issues in counsellor education and supervision. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association/American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A., Robinson, T., & Winslade, J. (2006, April). Symposium on culture and discourse in counseling. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association/American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A., Baker, D., Leger, M., Novy, C., & Titley, F. (2006, April). The heart of the story: An introduction to narrative practice. Workshop for community based practitioners, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., & the Collaborative Community Practice Group. (2006, April). Working together: Exploring collaborative practice. Workshop for community based practitioners, Ottawa, ON.
Paré. D. A. (2006, March). Beyond brief: Enhancing your practice with narrative ideas. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association/American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Montréal, QC.
Paré, D. A., and Lysack, M. (2005, December). Practices of Acknowledgement: Consolidating Positive Developments in Clients’ Lives. Presented at the Child and Youth Wellness Centre, Brockville, ON.
Paré, D. A., and Lysack, M. (2005, November). Assessing for competence: Evaluating clients’ resources in the face of challenging circumstances. Presented at the Child and Youth Wellness Centre, Brockville, ON.
Paré, D. A., and Lysack, M. (2005, October). Bringing forth client skills and knowledges through therapeutic positioning. Presented at the Child and Youth Wellness Centre, Brockville, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2005, October). Minding the talk: Attending to inner dialogue in therapist training. Presented at Social Construction: A Celebration of Collaborative Practices, Taos, NM.
Paré, D. A., Augusta-Scott, T., Freedman, J., & Young, K. (2005, June). Unpacking the healing metaphor. Panel discussion at the Winds of Change Conference, Halifax, NS.
Paré, D. A. (2005, February). Mindfulness applications to therapy. Presented at the Narrative Participant’s Conference, Malibu, CA.
Paré, D. A. (2005, February). Doing the dance: Collaborative dialogue and discourse. Workshop for Miracle Mile Community Practice, Los Angeles, CA.
Paré, D. A., and Lysack, M. (2005, February). Brief therapy and beyond. Half-day inservice professional development workshop for community-based practitioners, Ottawa, Ontario.
Paré, D. A. (2004, December). The other side of victimization: Working with client resourcefulness in the wake of abuse. Presented at Shifting the paradigm: Creating a Multicultural Framework for Services to Abused Immigrant Women, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., & Smith, J. D. (2004, November). Restorative Practices in the Classroom. Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Provincial Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Theriault, A., and Paré, D. A. (2004, September). Cultivating feelings of competence in counsellor trainees. Inservice workshop, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa.
Bondy, J., Malhotra, C., & Paré, D.A. (2004, July). A Performative Approach to Group Work with Men who have Abused. Presented at the 6th Annual Narrative Therapy and Community Work Conference, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Paré, D. A., Lysack, M., Lafleur, R., & Avocaat, L. (2004, May). Subversive dialogue: Narrative and feminist practices, intersections and divergences. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. (2004, April). Introduction to reflecting teams. Half-day inservice professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A., Lysack, M. & Baker, D. (2004, March). Invitations to responsibility: Working with men and male youth with violent lifestyles. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2004, February). Introduction to brief solution-oriented therapy. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Smith, J. D. & Paré, D. A. (2003, October). Restorative practices in the schools. Presented at Educating for Peace and Global Awareness: Conversations and Curriculum, Ottawa, ON.
Conran, T., McNamee, S., Newman, F., Paré, D. A., & Shawver, L. (2003, October). Panel discussion: What's Therapeutic about Philosophy and What's Philosophical about Therapy. Presented at The Second International Conference Exploring the Potential of Performance for Personal, Organizational and Social-Cultural Change, Montauk, NY.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2003, May). Solution narratives: Brief therapy intensive. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. (2003, April). Handle with care: Discourse, Difference, and Dialogue. Presented at the Transforming Dialogue Conference, Houston, Texas.
Paré, D. A. (2003, April). Com-passionate Conversations: Creating Culture in Therapeutic Dialogue. Presented at the Transforming Dialogue Conference, Houston, TX.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2003, March). Introduction to brief, solution-focused therapy. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Titley, F., Lamoureux, S. & Paré, D. A. (2003, February). Stories from a Storied Mediation: Narrative Practices in Conflict Resolution. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Symposium on Conflict Resolution, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, November). Skills in externalizing conversations, Part II. Half-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, November). Skills in externalizing conversations, Part I. Half-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. (2002, October). Courageous practice: Reflexive supervision. Presentation to faculty, graduate students and community partners. Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, October). Introduction to reflecting practices. Half-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, September). Introduction to narrative and collaborative therapies. One-day professional development workshop for community practitioners.
Smith, J. D., Paré, D. A., & Gignac, K. (2002, May). Helping at-risk youth in schools: Lessons and findings from Project Eclipse. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A., & Strong, T. (2002, May). Teaching and Learning Social Constructionist Counselling. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2002, May). The use of therapeutic letters in counselling. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Uhlemann, M., & Paré, D. A. (2002, May). Writing for the Canadian Journal of Counselling. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2002, May). Using reflecting processes in group supervision. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Smith, J. D., Paré, D. A., & Gravelle, F. (2002, April). Alternatives to school suspension: An intervention for at-risk students. Paper presented at the American Educational Researchers Association annual conference, New Orleans, LA.
Paré, D. A. (2002, February). United Against the Foe: Externalizing Relational Dynamics in Conflict Resolution. Presented at the Conflict Resolution Symposium, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. and Lysack, M. (2002, February). Skills in re-authoring conversations. One-day professional development workshop for community-based practitioners.
Paré, D. A. (2002, February). Co-constructing preferred identities: A collaborative, narrative approach. Workshop presentation at Family Service Centre, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2002, February). Families and cultures: Shifting paradigms of family therapy, expanding the metaphorical repertoire of family therapy. Presented to the Youth Services Bureau Externship in Collaborative Therapies, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2002, January). Cultural considerations in ethical counselling. Presented to counselling students in Graduate Class, St. Paul’s University, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A.and Lysack, M. (2000, November). Co-vision: Collaborative supervision practices. Presentated to the Educational Counselling supervisors, local clinicians, and Education Faculty. Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2001, November). Beyond humanism: Narrative ideas and practices in counselling. Presented to the Canadian Counselling Association, National Capital Region Chapter, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2001, October). Co-defining problems and goals. Presented to the Youth Services Bureau Externship in Collaborative Therapies, Ottawa, ON.
Lysack, M. and Paré, D. A. (2001, March). Recent developments in working with alcohol and substance misuse. Presented at the David Smith Centre, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2001, February). Evolving metaphors of family therapy. Presented at the Ottawa Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2001, January). Of families and other cultures. Presented to the Systemic Therapies Graduate Class, St. Paul’s University, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2000, November). Introduction to narrative practice. Presented to the Career and Counselling Service, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (2000, May). Authoring a life: Narrative counselling practices. Presented at the Building Tomorrow Today: 6th Annual Alberta Regional Consultation for Career Development Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (2000, May). Storying Positive Developments Through Time. Presented at the Building Tomorrow Today: Annual Consultation on Career Development, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (2000, May). Using reflecting teams in counsellor supervision. Presented at the PAA 2000 Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A., & Strong, T. (2000, May). Macro and Micro Views of Cultural Discourse in Counsellor Education. Presented at the 2000 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D.A. (2000, May). A Place to Stand: Eclecticism, Integration, and Theoretical Purity in Counsell or Education. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Charlottetown, PE.
Bernes, K. Collins, S., Hiebert, B., Jones, L., Magnusson, K., Paré, D. A., & Stewin, L. (2000, May). Innovations in Counsellor Training. Presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, Charlottetown, PE.
Paré, D. A. (2000, April). A brief look at a storied therapy. Presented at the Counselling and Student Development Centre, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Paré, D. A. (2000, March). Narrative therapy: An introduction. Presented to the Community Services Centre, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1999, June). Staying answerable: Ethics and accountability in postmodern counselling. Presented at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Paré, D. A. (1999, June). Conflicting discourses. Presented at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Paré D. A. (1999, May). Discursive Wisdom: Reflections on Ethics and Therapeutic Knowledge. Presented at the Millennium World Conference in Critical Psychology, Sydney, Australia.
Paré, D. A. (1999, April). Conflicting Discourses: Developing Postmodern Counselling Practice. Presented at the International Society for Theoretical Psychology Annual Conference, Manly, Australia.
Paré, D. A. (1998, November). Accountability Practices: Tracking the effects of our work. Presented to the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Paré, D. A. (1998, July). Postmodernism and narrative ways of knowing: Challenges for education and the helping professions. Presented to the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Paré, D. A. (1998, July). Social constructionist perspectives on the healing process: The practice of narrative therapy. Presented to the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Paré, D. A. (1998, July). Narrative work with the elderly. Workshop for Elderly Services Program of the Northern Health Authority, Prince George, BC.
Paré, D. A. (1998, June). Re-Positioning relationships: The heart of postmodern practice. Presented at the Canadian Psychologists Association Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1998, June). Re-Positioning relationships: The heart of postmodern practice. Presented at the Canadian Guidance Counselling Association Annual Conference, Montreal, PQ.
Paré, D. A. (1998, May). Re-authoring lives: The literary turn in postmodern psychology. Presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ottawa, ON.
Paré, D. A. (1998, May). Narrative unplugged: An introduction to narrative practice. One-day workshop at Woods Homes, Red Deer, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1998, March). Narrative therapy level II intensive. Five-day clinical workshop, Prince George, BC.
Dreimanis, M., & Paré, D. A. (1998, February). Avoiding power struggles before they start. Presented at the Teacher Assistant Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1998, February). Teaming up against inattention and hyperactivity. Evening workshop, St. Albert, Alberta.
Paré, D. A. (1998, January). Fundamentals of narrative practice. Two-day clinical workshop, Prince George, BC.Paré, D. A. (1997, November). Shared knowledges: Postmodern supervision. Presented to Loma Linda University, Lacombe, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, November). Of families and other cultures; The shifting paradigm of family therapy. Presented to the Child and Adolescents Services Association, CASA Centre, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, November). Whose problem is it anyway: An introduction to narrative practice. Presented at the Grand Rounds Presentation at Glenrose Hospital, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, September). Whose problem is it anyway: A narrative path to collaboration. Presented to the Alberta Association of Family-School Liaison Workers, Edmonton, AB.
Sawatzky, D. & Paré, D. A. (1997, May). Advanced clinical techniques and tips: Variations on narrative therapy. Workshop presentation for Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, Edmonton, AB.
Dreimanis, M., & Paré, D. A. (1997, May). Avoiding power struggles in your centre. Presented at the Child Care Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, March). Narrative Depth: Dialoguing with Problems. Paper presented at the Narrative Ideas and Therapeutic Practice Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Dreimanis, M., & Paré, D. A. (1997, February). Avoiding power struggles in the classroom. Presented at the Teacher Assistant Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, February). Family well being. Presented at the Fifth Annual Conference, "Get Ready For Inclusion Today" (GRIT) Program, Edmonton, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1997, January). What if? Counselling from a narrative perspective. Presented at the Municipal District of Sturgeon Family School Liaison program, St. Albert, AB.
Paré, D. A., and Tavano, N. (1996, June) Mining For intent: Bringing forward values with sexual abuse perpetrators and victims in a family context. Paper presented at the Therapeutic Conversations 3 Conference, Denver, CO.
Paré, D. A., and Chang, J. (1995, October). Mixed metaphors: Working with the new and not-so-new therapies. Presented at the Alberta Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Annual Conference, Calgary, AB.
Paré, D. A. (1995, March). A cultural perspective on families and family therapy. Paper presented at the Narrative Ideas and Therapeutic Practice Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Paré, D. A. (1994, March/April). Of families and other cultures: Updating the metaphors of family therapy. Paper presented at the Narrative Ideas and Therapeutic Practice Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Paré, D. A. (1994, June/July). From feedback loops to family stories: Changing perspectives in family therapy. Paper presented at The 55th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Penticton, BC.
Paré, D. A. (1994, January). Please adjust your set: Looking at families through a postmodern lens. Paper presented at The Research Experience Conference, Edmonton, AB.